Shadowhunters' Stelecast

Shadowhunters in Your Home



The time has finally come where we can own this film we have discussed so much! The DVD was released in the US last week, so we have now had a chance to watch the movie (again) and the special features! We will discuss this and more on the thirty-first episode of Shadowhunter's Stelecast: Shadowhunters in Your Home!As always, you can follow our tweets @SteleCast along with joining the chat with the hashtag #ShadowhuntersSC during the show. In this episode:We will begin with a couple announcements from the fandomWe will discuss watching the movie from the comfort of our homesWe will discuss the normal special features, including Deleted Scenes, Featurettes, Lineage, and the Ariana Grande music video!We will discuss the Blu-Ray additional featurettes!If there's time, we will spend some time with topics from my hat!Listen LIVE Wednesday, December 11 at 9pm ET!
