Just Sway

Episode 21 - From Darkness to Redemption



"Twenty-two years ago, I was struggling to figure out who I was and why I was here. I was someone who didn’t fit into the box where I was told I belong…. So, I did whatever made me happy and did it better than anyone else. Really… I was good at it! The problem is that I hurt a lot of people in the process. Of course, I justified my actions for years. That was until my selfishness led me to betray a dear friend and cause extreme damage to someone very dear to my heart," wrote James Ramsey, in a January 7th online letter. Listen to his letter in its entirety in this special episode of Just Sway. To read the letter and learn more about James Ramsey's work within the Church, please visit: https://thewellsmtx.org/2021/01/07/who-am-i/?fbclid=IwAR0hWTEPXuPGIMKkoY8whkGQhSRLC8AJWcz0wrB4JY4c9xBu3nW5XJvr8ekSpecial thank you to Dwight Theaker for helping James to record his letter. Original show artwork created by Alicia Urbanski of Peaches Art Shop. For more information or to look at more of her works, check out: https: