Monocycle With Leandra Medine

Ep 59: Cut Your Mom Some Slack!



This month's theme on Man Repeller is family, which is so all-encompassing it can seem overwhelming. Where do you start with a family dynamic? Where do you begin with the complicated relationships that engulf the word's meaning? Are we even talking about the biological literals of a "family?" If we're not, what constitutes a family? If we are, why are we doing that? Our theme of the month announcement was met with some very intelligent content recommendations from you (the community!), which ran a gamut from the lighthearted and farfetched to the convoluted and deep-seated but one particular remark regarding a reader's relationship with her mother and wanting to, essentially, emancipate herself/make sure not to become her really stuck with me: I've been at that rodeo for the greater half of at least the past two years. I've written about it at length. And spoken a Monocycle episode that touched upon it. Hell, we even dedicated an entire month's theme to it. So here we are, back again, talking about our mom