Staying Well

Why Are So Many Veterans Taking Their Own Lives?



During the time of a recent study published in The Annals of Epidemiology, there was at least one veteran who committed suicide each day.Putting your own life at risk for the freedom and protection of millions of other lives is one of the most selfless and courageous gestures a person could make.However, it seems like every day there's an article featuring yet another veteran who has taken his or her life after returning home from overseas. Does this mean there's a flaw within America's healthcare system and how returning soldiers are being taken care of?Veteran's suicide has been one of the most controversial topics that doctors, researchers and families of veterans have been discussing for many years.In fact, a recent study published in the February issue of the Annals of Epidemiology highlighted this issue. Thousands of military personnel's lives have been taken due to suicide. The study looked at all 1,282,074 veterans who served in active duty units between 2001-2007 and who also left the military during