Jody England

Where I Create, There I Am True



Pushing and pulling. Surrendering and somersaulting.Tide rising and receding.Simultaneously.I feel like that strand of beach just where the tide breaks.Being shifted and moved, carved and remade inside the most dynamic, intense crashing of transformative Life Force.Eyes and heart wide open to the pure potentiality of Creation, while also attached and stuck, grounded and slowed by what has been, ideas of what should be, fears of what might be.Exhilaration and Terror, Hope and Dread, Yes and No -- Co-Existing in the spaces of my Becoming.Some moments it’s hard to tell which end is up and what compass there is to Guide me.I have given myself over to dissolving in the embryonic waters of Creation.Learning to move from Pleasure and Impulse in accordance with the deeper currents of an Evolutionary Creatrix.Excruciating and confounding at times, as well as Ecstatically Liberating.So much moving through I must Share or Die.Or more aptly…Share AND Die.Falling into the Abyss of Creation as I am annihilated again and ag