Jody England

Running with Candles



Harrumph.Am I depressed?No... I feel generally ok, but also a little malaise.Or something.I also feel really Alive.And Creative.And stymied. And consternation.Like a sputtering candle that isn’t quite out and isn’t quite lit.I can feel the most gentle breezes of promise and possibility, but as I turn toward them or try to grasp them or mold them into something more tangible... they disappear like smoke.This morning as I lay in my Practice, I became Present to a learning I am in the midst of.Photo by Grover SchrayerA further dropping In to my Self and away from habitual impulsivity that would have me reach for an activity or project to scratch an itch.It feels as though I am being Called to be moved BY and AS the Im-pulse, rather than using the spark of inspiration to separate from The Pulse that is the heartbeat of All Of Life.Much like running with a candle.If you light your candle and have it burning strong, It takes only a minute to spark the flame and have it catch.But then, if you take off running with y