Kris Steinnes

Phoebe Patten, and Susan Franklin discuss intuitive awareness and Cate Montana shares dealing with the Trump Effect



Phoebe and Susan will explore the lens through which we see our world using a gentle curiosity about the choices we make. Learn how to work within a safe space to lovingly see and appreciate yourself and others. We call it 'interior sign posting'- the quickest way to home. Intuitive awareness is a powerful tool for cleaning and focusing our lens. Embody a new perspective for yourself! Cate Montana will discss what can women do to mitigate the impact of a Trump Presidency? How can we come to terms with this in ourselves? How can we assist others? What do we need to know to deal with these issues? Join author Cate Montana as she addresses these ego issues, placing them in a spiritually evolutionary context to help make sense of it all.