Michelle Carter

How to get Power behind your Shift



If you're feeling or saying : "I'm unhappy, I'm depressed, I'm tired, I'm sad, I'm LONELY, or LOST" you've already begun your shift and could be on your way to your new course, new path and new energy levels for you to experience happiness, joy and peace. A shift is needed when something you value, believe in, or have promised has been broken, innjured, forgotten or damaged. The shift is necessary to become re-aligned.During this show Lisa and Michelle walk you through the steps of recognizing, breaking through and shifting from a place of disconnect and hopelessness to a supported, hopeful and proactive place. Sharing stories of "Shadow Moments" to highlight shifts in perspectives that have deeper lessons and truly bring you into the light. They'll also use their shifting song "A Friend In Me" to teach you how to better connect with the one who can always be there to help using kindness. You'll hear an update on Benny, the dog, and will also find out what was one of the most attention catching 'hurt" that pe