Ford On Food

Episode 30: Out Of The Blue



It’s a fact of life, not everybody likes blue vein cheese. It can be an acquired taste.Many people I know absolutely hate it. However, when I was kid I can’t recall anybody liking blue vein cheese.So, obviously there has been a culinary or cultural change in Australia over recent years.I also think there has been a change in the availability and assortment of blue vein cheese in the marketplace.If you look back a few decades, there were mainly the very strong, acidic and crumbly varieties available. But now there is a huge range that includes less offensive, mild and creamy versions.I personally prefer the mild creamy brie style blue veins, rather than the rich Stilton variety.The history of blue vein cheese isn’t’t completely documented; however the general consensus is that it was accidental, out of the blue (excuse the pun).The original product was possibly contaminated with a wild mould, which may have even been dangerous.However, modern cheese makers have perfected the process of inoculating the cheese w