Ford On Food

Episode 23: The Culinary Quiet Achiever



It’s one of the most humble and least glamorous vegetables on Earth; however most cuisines would be unrecognisable without them.Onions have a long and colourful past, and are probably one of oldest culinary ingredients in human history.Egyptian hieroglyphics and artwork tell the story of how onions where purchased at great expense to feed the slave workforce and keep them physically healthy and motivated while building the pyramids.Countless religious writings, scriptures and historical documents from all over the world make references to onions.There is a myriad of varieties grown for culinary, medicinal and ornamental uses, but only a dozen or so common varieties are found in regular grocery stores.Brown onions would possibly be the mainstay in most kitchens, because of their savoury full bodies flavour.White onions are a little more earthy and pungent, while red onions are quite sweet and are well suited to eating raw in salads.There are the smaller shallot onions that have a complex balance of sweet and p