Hocus Potus

HocusPOTUS Episode 30



“Crossover Crossfire” Not content to simply tape extra episodes without Dave (frankly – Dave considers it a blessing to have missed that episode with Steve and the ‘Liberal Lady” discussing the future “leadership” of the DNC), Steve has crossed the rubicon into full scale podultery and has started a brand new podcast called “Angst & Daisies” with his pal Caroline Aaron. Fear not fans, Hocus POTUS is not going anywhere, but Dave can only surmise that Steve feels the need to express himself in a new forum unrestrained by Dave’s penchant for "rationality." For the record, however, Caroline is pretty danged rational (for a Democrat) and it’s clear who wears the tin foil hat in that relationship. Die hard Hocus POTUS-ites will recall that Caroline was our guest on our very first episode so it is only fair, and symmetrical, that Dave should be the first guest on A&D in this joint episode that will be featured in both podcast’s streams. Steve and Caroline pepper Dave with questions as to the Republica