Hocus Potus

HocusPOTUS Episode 21



“It’s the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man” It’s Hocus Potus’ first 2 part episode with the fellas doing an impromptu 20 minutes debate preview/predictions and then re-convening for part II the next day for the debate post-mortem. The fellas have a rollicking good time deconstructing the highs and the lows, the kill-shots and missed opportunities, the expected and the bizarre tangents and who the heck cares what Sean Hannity says. Dave laments that the election has devolved into the closing sequence of Ghostbusters where we are simply choosing the form of our destructor. Steve speaks of his "liberal elite" debate watching party complete with Trump Asswipe toilet paper and complimentary anti-donald swag bag (in other words, everyone got a pocket Constitution). Did Hilary win or did Trump lose. Was Lester Holt fair? And what was with all the sniffing? Listen up and tell us what you think. ,