Bs With Bob Schmidt

E5 Justin Loeber Get Out Your Own Way Guide To Life (10 steps to shift gears, dream big, do it now)



What Justin Loeber says about Communication, "it's practically the be-all and end-all of everything we do in life. If you think about it, people get all tied up in a bad pass or an email and it's not real. If you talk to the person, all of the nuances that you think were negative could actually be positive because when you talk with people, you actually hear the tone and the passion in which that person is communicating with you. If you're caught in a text, if you have a text that's more than five words, you better pick up the phone and talk to a person because it's horrible. Nowadays. People break up with others on texts. How helpless is that? How weak is that, Bob? " The book is called "Get Out Of Your Own Way Guide To Life"