Ruthless Compassion With Dr. Marcia Sirota

69 - Marcia Moran: How to Stroke Forward



After successfully building her business over the last twenty-plus years, Marcia Moran thought she had life by the tail. Little did she know what was in store. After helping other entrepreneurs start their companies, she decided to found her own business consulting practice, Performance Architect, in 2012 and co-founded Positive Business DC that same year. She suffered a major stroke in 2014. Marcia applied her skills in planning and strategy as she strived to become whole. She never gave up. Over time she learned to walk again, but Marcia struggled with aphasia, a language disorder. Marcia created Stroke FORWARD because she felt there is a need to share hope to stroke survivors and their caretakers. Learning to become her own health advocate one step a time and exploring holistic methods for healing are keys to her recovery. Marcia speaks and shares her message of hope, inspiration, healing, and a way forward as she goes across the country. You can find Marcia's book on Stroke Forward: How to B