Ruthless Compassion With Dr. Marcia Sirota

42: Mark Goulston - Tips for Getting Through to Irrational People



Dr. Mark Goulston is a psychiatrist and one of the foremost thought leaders in the area of listening and empathy with his book, "Just Listen” becoming the top book on listening in the world and with his recent book, Taking to Crazy: How to Deal with Irrational and Impossible People in Your Life also becoming an international best seller, especially in Russia where its title is: How to Talk With A-holes. He is also one of the leading experts on suicide prevention and co-created and moderated the multi-award winning documentary, Stay Alive: An Intimate Conversation About Suicide Prevention. He also hosts the My Wakeup Call podcast, where he interviews influencers about what is most important to them and their wakeup calls in arriving at that.