Ruthless Compassion With Dr. Marcia Sirota

25: Nicholas Lovell - Getting Ahead Of The Curve



Nicholas Lovell is the author of The Curve (Portfolio Penguin, 2013), a book that helps businesses to make money in the digital age. He funded GAMESbrief, a website dedicated to new business models in the videogame industry in 2008 and has been helping games companies with digital transition ever since. Games clients include Rovio, Square Enix, Makielabs and Sega, while non-games clients include Ministry of Sound, IPC Media and Channel 4. Nicholas is also the author or co-author of Design Rules for Free-to-Play Games, The F2P Toolbox and How To Publish A Game. Previously, Nicholas was an investment banker (Deutsche Bank) and a web entrepreneur (ShopSmart, GameShadow).