Stop Employing Donkeys | 10 Steps To Better Hiring From Dave Ramsey



Business is easy until you start employing people. This is because people are awesome and people are awesome and they will always be your greatest frustration. These are ten steps to better hiring which I learnt from Dave Ramsey. SUMMARY Make it hard for people to be employed by you and set up hoops and hurdles for them to get through and over. Employ thoroughbreds, not donkeys and understand that they do not mix and won’t enjoy each other’s company. Conduct a minimum of 4 interviews per person and the first interview could be just 5 minutes. Conduct spousal interviews where you get to see them with their partner in a relaxed setting. Don’t motivate staff. Employ motivated people. Don’t allow any gossip within the workplace. You don’t want any drama. Release (fire) people with love and allow them to go and find their true vocation. Firing people is THE most important step. Encourage referrals from staff & provide an incentive which everyone gets to see being paid out Have the candidate reflect on their livin