Flail Forward

Guest Host Lenny Balsera



We have our very first guest host!! Lenny Balsera asks the crew a question that sets off almost two hours of back and forth. What question? Listen and find out! If you have any questions, comments, or free-floating hostility, you can email us at: flailforwardpodcast@gmail.com Or tweet us on Twitter: twitter.com/FlailForward discord: discord.gg/Hz7zFwq Facebook & Instagram @flailforward Find the hosts on the internet: Catreece - tinyurl.com/SAORSA Mark - twitter.com/praxisarcanum Kavoir - The ghost who talks. Monty - The Pyramid of Okra-Hotep Johonathon - twitter.com/mongrelgames Intro and Outro by The Sarto Klyn V. thesartoklynv.bandcamp.com/