The Town

Jesus Is Coming



Can you imagine what it must have been like for those 40 days in between the time Jesus rose from the grave and his ascension? We only have a few snippets of the euphoria that surrounded the followers of Jesus. Acts 1 gives us some insight as to their mindset. The Disciples believed that Jesus was going to usher in the fully realized Kingdom of God. There would be no more death, no more pain, and no more oppression. But in the middle of the euphoria and joy, Jesus says a couple of final words and begins to rise up into heaven. The disciples were very confused. They just stood there staring into heaven. It took two angels dressed in white to get everyone moving again! The writings of the New Testament demonstrate to us that the earliest Christians lived in expectancy. They really believed that Jesus would return at any moment. Christians are called to live as if Jesus will return at any moment. If we lived like this we could change the world! We must be living in expectancy because when Jesus returns he will m