The Town

Jesus Is Man



God did not leave mankind in sin and misery even after they directly disobeyed him in the Garden of Eden. He immediately stepped into history and promised us a Redeemer who would crush Satan's head. In order for this to happen, a man, a second Adam, would have to do what the first Adam was unable to do. No man could keep God's law once sin entered the world. So God became man. Jesus did not cease to be God. He wasn't a man who became god-like. He wasn't an apparition. He was a real man, born of a real woman with a real genealogy. Jesus had two natures, God and man, in one person without any confusion, composition, or conversion. He laid aside some of his divine attributes only to be used at the direction of the Holy Spirit. He took on flesh, experienced all that we experience, and became one of us—only perfect. By becoming man, the Son of God became the perfect atoning sacrifice for our sins. As the God-man, he satisfied divine justice on the cross. Jesus was God dwelling among humans as a human.