The Town

Why Is There Evil and Suffering In The World?



The argument goes something like this: if God is all powerful and good and loving, how come he allows people to suffer, evil dictators to rule, tragic deaths, disease, orphans, and other horrible catastrophes? Couldn't he just stop the evil? How can there be an all powerful God and evil existing in the same universe. It is easy to theologize. Indeed, good theology will be like a healing balm in the midst of intense grief. But we cannot assume to have all of the answers. The bottom line is that God is sovereign and we are not sovereign. Because only one of us is sovereign only one of us will have all of the answers. Since no man is sovereign, no man can answer some of these divine mysteries. We have to look to the Scriptures to see what answers God has given us and then decide whether or not we want to believe and trust those answers.