The Town

How Can I Know I Am Saved?



What is going on in churches and in the Christian faith today? What exactly do we believe and why? Can Christians articulate their beliefs and does it really matter? So what if a person prays a prescribed prayer? Anyone can do that! What are the fundamentals of the faith? To be a right-wing Republican? To be a theological conservative? To be a "Reformed Christian"? Does it really matter what we specifically believe if we already have the "basics"? Why bother with the minutia of theology if all we really need is simple faith? Is it true that a person who simply "prays the prayer" and "lives the life" is saved? Saved from what? Saved from hell? A conscious hell? Really? Do Christians truly believe that all people who don't "believe the way we do" are going to suffer eternal and conscious punishment? If we believe that, why are we not out pleading with our friends and relatives to "come to know the Lord"? What are the fundamentals of the Christian faith?