The Town

Am I Allowed To?



Christianity used to be so easy. All you had to do to be a Christian was to hold on to the fundamentals of the faith. Over time more rules were added as the culture shifted and produced new problems that the church needed to address. For many, Christianity became a list of rules rather than the story of redemption found in Scripture. God was no longer pursuing his people; instead, his people were pursuing their own brand of righteousness. In response to what became known as "legalism," many Christians turned to a newfound freedom in Christ, and abandoned the strict rules the church had created. Unfortunately, many of these freedom-infatuated Christians also abused the gospel message. In their so-called freedom, they gave license to take part in many sinful acts. They too had their own faulty version of the Gospel. Where can we draw the line when we are asking questions about what is permissible and what is sinful? What questions should we be asking when we are making seemingly harmless decisions?