The Town

Where No One Wants To Go



What sometimes gets lost in this story, as we focus on how bad Jonah was, is how evil Nineveh was. They weren't the poor, innocent neighbors who just needed to hear about Jesus. Assyrians hated Israel. They eventually would help undo the entire nation. Eventually, the northern ten tribes of Israel, because of the actions of the Assyrians, would never be heard from again. Jonah had good reason to hate Nineveh. At least he had good human reasons to hate Nineveh. When Jonah was finally obedient, he would only offer an eight word sermon. It is almost as if he thought about it five minutes before he began. Even after the great storm, the great waves, the great fish, Jonah still didn't put much effort into his sermon when he saw the great walls of Nineveh. Who knows? Maybe he just whispered it gently and tried to walk away before anyone started asking questions. Jonah was obedient and only did what was required. Jonah 3 demonstrates what happens when God's people are obedient and love their enemies. It's easy to pi