The Town

How To Thwart God



In Jonah 1:4-16, we continue to learn a lot about the man Jonah, about ourselves, and about Jesus. We'll get to the Jesus part in just a moment. But first let's talk about us. Just like Jonah, we try to thwart God. We have gone astray. Psalm 51 tells us we were sinful from the time we were conceived. We didn't have a shot at being perfect. For some reason, we continually try to thwart God. Paul explains this best when he talks about our flesh (sin loving part of us) continuing to win some battles in this life (see Romans 7). Even though the Christian has been saved from sin and desires to do what is right, we often still do what we know is wrong. In these sinful episodes, we find ourselves trying to thwart God. For some reason, whether out of ignorance, defiance, or plain stupidity, we think we can outrun, out-maneuver, and out think God. We do this by trying to make God's commandments friendly so that we can be comfortable with our hypocrisy and disobedience. Jonah, like us, was a sinner who needs to be save