Spiritual Psychology With Renee Mckenna

WTF is Non-Duality?



Non-duality is the experience of the one-ness of all things. There is a ground of being underlying the duality of the material world. Duality is the pairs of opposites; day and night, love and hate, fire and water, peace and fear that create the dynamic tension of the everchanging and impermanent physical realm. Most major religions and many spiritual traditions point to non-duality as a path of peace.   There are many modern teachers of non-duality that share their insight and wisdom to raise our consciousness that we might transcend duality and find this peace ourselves. Renee gives an overview of this profound concept and shares some teachings about non-duality she has gathered along the way.  Check out these powerful spiritual masters, organizations and teachings for more info on non-duality:  Eckert Tolle - The Power Of Now  Adyashanti  Mooji  Rupert Spira  Paramahansa Yogananda The Self Realization Fellowship  The Law Of One  Rate, Review & Su