Partners In Practice

How the VA System is Meeting the Healthcare Needs of Female Veterans



Guest: Yvette Petti, PhD, APRN-BC Host: Mimi Secor, DNP, FNP-BC, FAANP In the next five years, women will account for more than 10 percent of the veterans in the United States. The growing population of female soldiers has raised new challenges for government. Not only are women facing some of the same health issues as men, like depression and post traumatic stress disorder, but they are dealing with issues like sexual trauma, and the need for services such as mammograms and fertility counseling. Dr. Yvette Petti, adult nurse practitioner for the Department of Primary Care and Women's Wellness Services at the VA Medical Center in Battle Creek, Michigan, joins host Mimi Secor to discuss what the Veterans Administration is doing, and how they are reaching outside the VA, to meet the health needs of women veterans.