Partners In Practice

Medical Assistants: Ghana's Solution to Physician Assistants



Guest: Emmanuel Teye Adjase, MD Host: Lisa Dandrea Lenell, PA-C, MPAS, MBA The Rural Health Training School in Kintampo, Ghana, was established in 1969 by the Ministry of Health. Now this one-of-a-kind school has trained more than 500 medical assistants who are the backbone of healthcare in Ghana. Medical assistants, comparable to physician assistants in the US, provide care to people living in remote and under-served communities. Dr. Emanuel Teye Adjase, director of the school, joins host Lisa Dandrea Lenell to talk about the education model, his partnerships with other universities and how the program has thrived and changed to meet the needs in the country over the past four decades. Nursing students Our teaching team at Kintampo Rural Health Training School. Lisa Dandrea Lenell with Dr. Adjase First class at KRHTS