Book Choice

Book Choice - November 2017



It’s the first Monday of the month so it’s welcome to BOOK CHOICE on Fine Music Radio 101.3, various other frequencies and on the web: I’m Gorry Bowes Taylor. This very happy hour Andrew Marjoribanks, Wordsworth Books, brings us a bagful of the best in fiction and non-fiction. Cindy Moritz suggests that you read and reread Forest Dark by Nicole Krauss and Beverley Roos Muller endorses George Saunder's Lincoln in the Bardo, as this year's brilliant winner of the Booker prize, as she takes a larger look at the Booker and its successes and controversies. Mike Fitzjames tries, as always to shred our nerves with three nerve-wracking crime stores. Vanessa Levenstein wonders how you live when your life is reduced to waiting for death as she reviews Asylum by Marcus Low and shares her thoughts on the powerful book, Khwezi - The Remarkable Story Of Fezekile Ntsukela Kuzwayo by Redi Thlabi. Melvin Minnaar suggests that you underestimate the clout of the brilliant short story –try What it Means When a Man