Book Choice

Book Choice - December 2016



"It’s the first Monday of the last month of the year, and it’s a warm welcome to Book Choice on Fine Music Radio 101.3. This happy hour: good book choices for Christmas giving – and getting! Andrew Marjoribanks, Wordsworth Books gives us that chain’s best in festive fiction and non-fiction, Beverley Roos Muller relishes John le Carre’s autobiography 'The Pigeon Tunnel' and wonders how much of it may be fiction! Jay Heale happily suggests sort of classical Christmas reading for children, while Cindy Moritz escaped into the frenzied world of moneyed Manhattan with Jay McInerey’s 'Bright, Precious Days'. Philip Todres talks to Bronwyn Law-Viljoen about 'The Printmaker' which gives her impeccable background to conjure a story that is in fact her first novel. Vanessa Levenstein swings into 'Swing Time' by Zadie Smith who explores how the shadows of childhood friendships outline our future. Melvyn Minnaar throbs to the thrill of a new discovery in 'His Bloody Project' by Graeme Macrae Burnet, and Phillippa Cheifitz