Book Choice

Book Choice - October 2016



"This warm-hearted hour: Andrew Marjoribanks, Wordsworth Books chooses the best of October’s fiction and non-fiction for you. We chat to five-star, multi-award winning writer and film-maker Sylvia Vollenhoven about her revealing and richly rewarding memoir 'The Keeper of the Kumm – Ancestral Longing and Belonging of a Boesmankind'. Phillippa Cheifitz with great gusto tucks into Jamie Oliver’s 'Super Food Family Classics', while rather more quietly Philip Todres discusses the quirky 'Hidden Johannesburg' with author Paul Duncan. Cindy Moritz mangles our nerve ends with 'The Black Widow' by prolific espionage and thriller writer Daniel Silva. Jay Heale cheerfully looks at the concept of a Children’s Book Laureate, while Beverley Roos Muller brightens America’s bleak political scene with 'Presidential Wit & Wisdom: 250 Classic Quotes from America’s Greatest Leaders' edited by Charlotte Lee Gross. Shingai Darangwa, too, found political fun in Fred Khumalos’s entertaining '#ZuptasMustFall'. Finally, the review