Book Choice

Book Choice - August 2016



"Thank you for joining us, it’s good to be with you. This joyful hour: Andrew Marjoribanks, Wordsworth Books, gives us a grand bag of good books, Peter Soal declares his support for the DA and Mmusi Maimane as he reviews 'Mmusi Maimane – Prophet or Puppet by S’Thembiso Msomi', and Beverley Roos Muller was riveted by Raoul Wallenberg’s incredible rescue expedition which saved the lives of tens of thousands of Jews in Hungary during the last months of World War Two in 'Raoul Wallenberg: The Biography by Ingrid Carlberg'. Shangai Darangwa, Lifestyle Feature Writer for The Sunday Independent, takes an up close and critical look at Bongani Madondo’s 'Sigh the Beloved Country', Cindy Moritz found 'The Girls' by Emma Cline just fabulous. Philip Todres reviews two books which deal with Jewish immigrants to South Africa - 'The Reb and the Rebel' edited by Carmel Schrire and Gqynne Schrire, and 'Married to Medicine – Doctor Mary Gordon, Pioneer Woman Physician and Humanist' by Jack Metz and Gordon Metz. In December it