Rock Candy

Episode 122: The Prodigy – Pretzel and the Ball



This fearless group took electronica to a whole new level in the 90's. Breaking the boundaries of genre by incorporating the sounds of techno, hip hop, rock, and everything in between to create the most unique music the world had heard up to that point. They made it ok for metal heads to want to dance and ravers to want to mosh. The Prodigy just started out as a one man show, that quickly turned into a 3-piece collective, after he let some ravers join in on the fun. Their story is their own, creating music without compromise and proving that they have the talent and inventive nature to show the world what they were missing. Doesn't get much more rock n' roll than this, kids. Visit Adam & Eve and use the code CANDYPOD to get 50% off nearly any one item and some sweet free stuff! Want to support your favorite beer drinkin’ babes? Check out our Patreon!Listen to all the great podcasts over on the Pantheon Network!