Spiritual Psychology With Renee Mckenna

65. Demon of Depression



Facing depression is the heroes journey. We go into the cave of our own unconscious and heal, slay or expel the demon that is hoarding the treasure of our own authentic self. When we face our depression, we gather the priceless treasure of our own life energy and bring it into the world for the benefit of ourselves and those around us.  In Spiritual Psi-Kology, nothing lives in our psychic space without our permission. We may be shocked to realize that on some level our depression may work for us. It may be a twisted protective device or defensive structure that keeps us small and safe. We may have negative attachment to our own self hatred or self abuse. Depression can become part of our ego identity or it may live in the gap of suffering between who we think we should be and the truth, or the mystery, of who we really are.  The truth will set us free. Willingness to face our own true self is the light that dispels the darkness where the demon of depression festers. --- Rate, Review & Subscri