Pedia Pain Focus

Coaching for Healthcare Professionals: Fad or Necessity?



Sink or swim or trial and error may be acceptable strategies in some situations, but they are hardly applicable when considering a much needed radical transformation in culture of health and wellness.  Instead what we need to adopt is what many other fields have clearly relied upon for going from good to great; Coaching! Somehow coaching has been conspicuously missing from a field that is high stakes, high stress and also high yield.  Physicians, and clinicians for that matter, are left to figure out everything all on their own once they finish their clinical training.  In this episode, Dr. Elizabeth Brill, MD MBA, a highly successful clinician, a Physician Executive and a certified coach shares her own experience with coaching, the integral role it plays in a physician or  clinician's professional and personal life.   Takeaways in This Episode Dr. Brill's journey as a physician, an Physician Executive and as a coach The benefits coaching offers in healthcare and for the  healthcare professionals The differe