Wellness Weight And Wisdom With Lisa M Pepe

Chemicals And You



Chemicals And You Chemicals are very difficult to avoid, but the following can help...  Work to detox every week to keep your systems working well and Ph balanced Everything, including your body, is a system and must be treated as such Companies will never stop polluting until they can make money with alternatives Eat as clean as possible and drink lemon water daily to improve overall health Some pharmaceutical companies have roots in oil & chemical companies Chemicals in food, air and water can accumulate and overload the body Movement helps your body get rid of toxins and keeps you limber Feeling ill or like you're coming down with something can signal that you need to detox Keeping chemicals out of the body is best so choose what you put into it carefully Hear my story about when, how and why I gave up coffee in the video Stay in balance and keep the chemicals on the outside as much as possible To learn more about wellness and wellbeing, please join my Monthly Membership with weekly group coaching calls.