Mr Jason

Discharge Lounge



"ENCORE - ORIGINALLY AIRED -  Saturday 12th December 2015 DISCHARGE LOUNGE - Well, this was a fun session! If you don't believe me, listen to it, and also look at the photos. And if you did believe me all along, still listen to it, and look at the photos. Basically, just listen to the damn session and look at the photos!! OK!! I love you. Hey, Whaddaya Say, Let's Radio! 00:00 Themetune 00:42 Mr Jason talking 01:41 Transylvania £6.50 - Discharge Lounge 03:44 Knives Of Kwon Su - Discharge Lounge 06:47 Cat & Mouse - Discharge Lounge 09:54 Shanty For John - Discharge Lounge 15:44 Allah Mode - Discharge Lounge 19:49 Feeding Vegetarians To Pigs For The Sake Of Irony - Discharge Lounge 22:27 December Waltz - Discharge Lounge 26:02 The Day The World Got Colour - Discharge Lounge 28:11 Don't Upset The Met - Discharge Lounge 32:23 Start As You Mean To Go On - Discharge Lounge 36:13 Klezmerise - Discharge Lounge 39:47 Aunt Bessie - Discharge Lounge 43:14 Mr Jason talking 46:12 Themetune 47:35 Finish DISCHAR