Mark Dillon's Plant-based Conversations

Aquafaba With Zsu Dever



When mad-cow disease was headlining the news several years ago Zsu Dever and her husband decided to take action for the health of their child and switched their diet to be plant-based. Zsu is the author of several cookbooks and her newest, Aquafaba, is about to hit bookshelves. Hear her story, along with cooking tips and more on today's episode. Do you have a question or concern about your journey to eating plant-based vegan food?  Reach out to Mark Dillon at Check out the blog and join the conversation at or directly to the blog post with all the links mentioned for this episode at Book Recommendation: Aquafaba Buy A Large Cutting Board or Chef's Knife: Large Cutting Board Chef's Knife Stay in touch at: Restaurant Recommendations:   Some links may contain affiliations that offer compensation for Mark Dillon and/or