Mark Dillon's Plant-based Conversations

Kathy Freston Has A Veganish Conversation



Kathy Freston is the author of several best selling books and her newest has taken off in the same direction already hitting the top of the charts at Amazon in less than a week. She shares, not only about her book, but also about her path to eating plant-based vegan food and how one moment can lead to a deep connection.  Hear the entire interview and be ready to deepen your connection. Join the brand-new plant-based mindfulness group on Facebook Join here Do you have a question or concern about your journey to eating plant-based vegan food?  Reach out to Mark Dillon at Check out the blog and join the conversation at or directly to the blog post with all the links mentioned for this episode at Kathy's Books: Veganish Stay in touch at:   Some links may contain affiliations that offer compensation for Mark Dillon and/or