Mark Dillon's Plant-based Conversations

Healing The Vegan Way With Mark Reinfeld



Chef Mark Reinfeld is the author of numerous vegan cookbooks and his newest book, offering over 200 vegan recipes, also brings us up to date on one of the most important parts of eating plant-based vegan...the powerful nutrients that can help you to care for your most important asset...your body. Do you have a question or concern about your journey to eating plant-based vegan food?  Reach out to Mark Dillon at Check out the blog and join the conversation at or directly to the blog post with all the links mentioned for this episode at Mark's Book: Healing The Vegan Way Online Recommendation: Happy Cow Restaurants mentioned: Blossoming Lotus - Portland Harlow - Portland Chloe's NYC Peace Food Cafe NY Hangawi NYC Full Bloom Vegan - Miami Holi Vegan Kitchen - Miami Gentle Gourmet Cafe - Paris Stay in touch at:   Some links may contain affiliations that offer compensation for Mark Dillon and/or Mindful Vegan.