San Antonio Business Heroes

SABH 04 | Powering Creativity: Lynn K. Peters



Lynn K. Peters, CEO of LK Design Group, gives advice to business owners on how she grew her business by diversifying her work and finding incremental markets and clients to serve. She shares the example of how she expands her referral rate by becoming friends with almost all of her clients. In fact, when her clients expand into other markets, her firm is the first one to get the call—this has even led to her being certified in 41 states. Peter’s advises new entrepreneurs to focus on the market and outsmart the competition. Brandi Vitier, Executive Vice President of Private Banking Email Watch the video interview on our blog. Leave us some feedback: What advice for running and growing a business would you like to hear? Let us know on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn @sabusinessheroes Did you enjoy this episode? If so, leave us a review on iTunes or Apple Podcast Subscribe to San Antonio Business Heroes wherever you get your podcasts. Connect with San Antonio B