Caustic Soda




Kerberos Productions' Chris "Stewie" Stewart joins us to talk about physical deformities. Ribeiroia, sirenomelia, and a whole bunch of other complicated and disturbing words are discussed! Music: Gooble-Gobble from Tod Browning's Freaks. Images Links Lake Athabasca Deformed Fish Movies X-Men Toren: 7/10 Kevin: 9/10 Joe: 8/10 The Elephant Man Toren: 7/10 Mask Kevin: 6/10 Joe: 7/10 Total Recall Toren: 6/10 Kevin: 8/10 Joe: 7/10 Stewie: 6/10 Tod Browning's Freaks Kevin: 7/10 The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1923: Silent - Lon Chaney) Kevin: 7/10 The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939: Talkie - Charles Laughton) Kevin: 6/10