Caustic Soda

Sex (Part 1)



Robin Bougie joins Kevin, Toren, and Joe for a special sexy (and therefore EXPLICIT) episode. What are phimosis and paraphimosis? How about penis fencing and docking? How do you get pandas in the mood? How the heck can porcupines mate with all those quills in the way? Find out all that and more! Sorry for the late post, we took Canadian Thanksgiving off! Music: "Just A Gigolo" by Louis Prima Events Don't forget Caustic Soda will be at Telus World of Science on October 16th, 2010! The week afterwards is Vancouver SkeptiCamp. And then on November 20th, 2010 we'll be helping out at the Skeptics' Guide to the Universe in Vancouver Live podcast! Links Animal dildos (Not work (or mind) safe) - Cerberus Sheath Robin Bougie's Cinema Sewer magazine