Caustic Soda

Fecal Matters



Warning: This podcast is full of shit! Drop the kids off at the pool, lay some brown carpet, make some trouser chili, take a load off your mind, put Number Two in command of the bridge, relax and enjoy! Hey, you don't mind if I keep the images to a minimum, right? We all know what we're talking about. Nobody needs to see it. Just imagine your own Count Dooku is pictured up here and let's just move on, shall we? Music: Powerhouse by Raymond Scott Videos Links Toren's blog post about pooping in a bag. Deathguild Thunderdome Oxypowder's Top 10 Poop Movie Scenes Movie Reviews Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome Toren: 4/10 Joe: 5/10 Caddyshack Toren: 6/10 Kevin: 8/10 Joe: 7/10 Dogma Toren: 5/10 Kevin: 8/10 Joe: 7/10 Team America World Police Toren: 7/10 I guess Kevin: 6/10 Joe: 8/10 Trainspotting Toren: 8/10 Kevin: 10/10 Joe: 10/10