Buddhist Geeks

The Best Preparation for Dying Well is Living Well



The Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche is the only Rinpoche we know who owns and uses a Blackberry! Rinpoche shares with us the different ways that he has adopted modern technology into the work that he does and into his teaching style. We also speak with Rinpoche about his most recent book, which explores the Bardo teachings, Mind Beyond Death. Rinpoche explains to us that death, one of the greatest sources of suffering, gives us a palpable opportunity to live well. He also points out that in terms of the trained mind, both death and life are but two sides of the same coin. Both can bring about enlightenment. This is part 2 of a three-part series. Listen to part 1, Analytical Meditation: Going Beyond Coffee Table Dharma Episode Links: Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche ( http://dpr.info ) Bodhi Magazine ( http://www.bodhionline.org ) Mind Beyond Death ( http://bit.ly/OJHKT )