Buddhist Geeks

From the Point of View of Insight Meditation



In the 2nd part of our conversation with Sharon Salzberg, Gwen Bell speaks to her about a number of fascinating subjects. They begin with Sharon’s experience writing for secular publications, such as Oprah’s O Magazine and her experience writing her most recent book, Faith: Trusting Your Own Deepest Experience. They also discuss some periods of Sharon’s practice where she was confronting the “banality of her own mind” and a large amount of suffering and despair. The conversation ends with Sharon’s account of the early days of the Insight Meditation Society. She also touches on how the organization has evolved over time, from it’s early disorganized beginning to it’s current condition as a well established center. She also discusses in detail what it’s like to do a retreat at the Retreat Center and at the newer long-term retreat facility, the Forest Refuge. This is part 2 of a three-part series. Listen to Part 1: Sharon Salzberg on Now and Then & Part 3: Bodh Gaya is “The City." Episode Links: Faith: Trust