Flix And A Six

Episode 172: We unleash our Wrath on anyone who besmirches Newburgh



The Basics Flick — Wrath of Man Six — Newburgh Brewing Cold Brew Brown Ale Hosts — Anthony Costanzo & Alessandro Biolsi Tweet-length ReviewsWrath of Man is a brutal, over the top, and unforgiving wild ride. Set in a sort of alternate Guy Ritchie universe devoid of the expected charm it still stand on its own.  7/10 — AnthonyMuch darker and more serious overall, and lighter on the laugh out loud comedy from the other Ritchie movies, but still a heck of a flick. 7/10 — AlBookmarks Six — 00:02:13 News & Nuggets — 00:18:42 Fun & Games — 01:38:43 Flick — 01:51:01