Thoth-hermes Podcast

Season 6-Episode 9 – Play with the Weird-Don Webb



My guest in this episode probably does not need a lot of introduction, please welcome author and High Priest of the Temple of Set for many years, Don Webb. From his early childhood on Don Webb was a weird child who growing up in Amarillo, Texas, benefited of two working parents and quite a few unsupervised hours after school. The TV show ‘Dark Shadows’ had a particular fascination on Don and he discovered at age 11-12 that séances might indeed work. During his college years Don explored Carlos Castaneda’s work and experimented with altered realities but found them not to be sufficient in taking him closer to what he was searching for. After basically having disengaged himself from spirituality at age 28, Don found the Temple of Set and decided to give it a try. Stephen Flowers, Ph.D., and Michael Aquino were both big influences on him and after moving rather quickly through the ranks Don became High Priest of the Temple in the early 90s. As there was a lot of misinformation out there on the Temple and its wor