Ryan J Orr's Podcast

The success in rewards. Dangle the carrot for yourself!



In this Episode Ryan discusses the value in setting REWARDS in advance! Dangle the carrot out there as a light on the other side of the tunnel! Make it happen and celebrate every victory! POWER IN ROUTINE, and WIN!Ryan says he aims to be a strategic partner for his clients, with a focus on education. “A big part is simply listening to a client and their goals, and then applying the right tools. I keep my finger on the pulse of what tools we have and how to leverage them. Most companies don’t take time to train people on their tools. We do a lot of training webinars, and I lead small groups in our Ontario office 8 to 10 times a year. We also host Meetings with Masters at Red Hill Country Club where we invite attorneys, as well, who are tied to the title and compliance market. I can also take training directly to a real estate office to train agents.”Ryan J. Orr –Vice PresidentTicor Title4120 Concours, Suite 400 Ontario, CA 91764Tel: 909-767-0718Email: RyanJOrr7@gmail.comWeb: www.TeamTitleGuy.com