Ryan J Orr's Podcast

Finishing 2020 Strong, the final push!



Final push for 2020! How are you prepping? Balance of imbalances! In this video, sharing ideas, notes, and ways to finish strong. When we do these tasks, it’s amazing how the revenue will lead us into a strong start to 2021. Looking for your thoughts, and feedback! ARE YOU WITH ME? Ryan says he aims to be a strategic partner for his clients, with a focus on education. “A big part is simply listening to a client and their goals, and then applying the right tools. I keep my finger on the pulse of what tools we have and how to leverage them. Most companies don’t take time to train people on their tools. We do a lot of training webinars, and I lead small groups in our Ontario office 8 to 10 times a year. We also host Meetings with Masters at Red Hill Country Club where we invite attorneys, as well, who are tied to the title and compliance market. I can also take training directly to a real estate office to train agents.”Client First… Do what you say, and say what you do.I have learned through the years that almos